Yes! The Global Health Insurance Card is complementary to your travel insurance rather than a replacement. Your GHIC will only cover you for medical treatment that's normally provided by the state in the country you’re visiting, while your travel insurance is there for what's not.
In the UK, we're used to the NHS providing free medical care at the point of need, but in some European countries, the state may charge for medical care. So, if the local residents are required to pay for some GP services (for example), so will you.
A GHIC card provides coverage for state treatment, ensuring you receive necessary medical care at the same cost as a resident in the visited country. However, if there are any expenses not covered, you can claim them with your travel insurance. At LV=, we go a step further by waiving the excess when a GHIC card is utilized to reduce claim costs.
In addition to medical cover, our travel insurance can also cover you if: